About Me

Through the loving hands of Christ I have healed from depression, anxiety, PTSD and chronic fatigue. I am now clothed in a brand-new nature that is continually being renewed as I learn more and more about Christ, who created this new nature within me. This is my journey ...

Friday, 10 January 2014

My Boy

Seven years ago today my baby boy entered this world and stole my heart. If I had to point to one earthly person or thing that has transformed me the most it would be, without a doubt, him.

From the confines of my womb he taught me to trust my instincts. Despite low amniotic fluid, little to no fetal movement, a breech position, inconclusive ultrasounds and mumblings of chromosomal abnormalities, predictions of a very low birth weight and constant non-stress tests I knew in my heart that he was healthy. And healthy he was - six pounds ten ounces of pure perfection.

He taught me that I would need to let others sometimes set the pace in life. It took him 38 weeks to turn himself head down and only 15-minutes of hard labor and two pushes to enter this world. 

Seven years later I am still learning to follow his pace. I never really know when it will be a lets-make-the-elderly-with-walkers-feel-fast-by-walking-ten-times-slower-than-them kind of day or an I-think-there-is-a-new-Skylander-at-the-back-of-Walmart kind of day! However, I have learned that he will typically chose the exact opposite speed that my schedule requires! (I should say though that I am happy with the speed he entered this world – we were on the same page that day!)

He has taught me that I need a lot less sleep than I ever thought was humanly possible. He didn’t sleep through the night consistently until he was three years old. And still he is the first one up most days. He loves to come running into our bed for the exact number of cuddles and kisses that makes falling back to sleep impossible.

He has taught me that parenting books are useless. 8-hours of straight crying proved that not every baby could be sleep trained. He also proved that dream feedings are pointless and that the shush/pat method is just a form of new-age torture (for parents). It took me a long time to pick up another parenting book and by the time I did my kids were at the age for "charts". My failure with tracking "charts" has led me to close all parenting books. I'm a much more relaxed parent when I am not reading about a system that will make my household perfect. Perhaps denial is bliss!

He has taught me that his spunk and determination and stubbornness may very well have driven me crazy, but those same traits are allowing him to take the world by storm. His reading and math and spellings skills are off the charts. He can memorize five Bible verses each week for Awana (and never forget them). He can out run a grade-six student at tag every time. He is able to make a friend in every Disneyland line-up. He can fill out a Scholastic book order by himself and count out the exact change in nickels without me ever knowing. His quick wit and loving heart make hime memorable. 

He has taught me the art of negotiation. He knows how to ask for the same thing over and over again without saying the same thing over and over again. “Mom can I play Skylanders,” “I just want to check, you said no to Skylanders, right,” “When you just said right, did you mean that I could play Skylanders or did it mean no to Skylanders” “Mom it would be really cool if I could play with Chomp Chomp” “Oh you don’t know who Chomp Chomp is? Well let me show you. You just need to turn on Skylanders” “But Mom, honestly, you will think Chomp Chomp is really cool” “Mom I just love when we get mommy-son time and play video games together. Wouldn’t it be great to have some time together?” .... and with that I am conquered - the game gets turned on. I fully admit that I am responsible for that monster! He can outlast me (despite what the books say!). He knows my weaknesses, my limits and my soft spot. I do predict a career in hostage negotiations.

He has taught me the importance of making others feel special. When choosing a Christmas gift for his teacher he kept telling me that a gift card just wouldn’t do because Mrs. White had to know that he was thinking of her when he bought her gift. And because she loves Robert Munch books that is what we bought. I truly felt guilty sending my daughter with the Tims gift card for her teacher ... to help my guilt I loaded it with 25 bucks. Hopefully lots of coffee also says I was thinking of you!

He has taught me not to compare. I spent the first few years of his life trying to fit him into the mold of his sister. I drove myself crazy in the process. I have finally - for the most part - accepted that they are different beings. They need different amounts of sleep. They teethed differently. They learn differently. They want different forms of quality time.  They have different food preferences. They love differently.  They play differently. I’ve learned to embrace different - to accept both of my children for the incredible Godly creation that they are. 

Every time I look into those beautiful baby boy blue eyes I feel so honored. I am honored that God saw in me the potential to stretch and grow and learn. That He knew that His child would transform me. That He found me worthy of such a transformation and placed His blessing into my arms.  

I am honored that that seven-year-old blessing came bouncing into our room well before dawn this morning, that he gave me seven kisses so I would “look” for the present I had wrapped the night before, that he would not let me forget the tradition of French toast in the shape of the number seven and that I got to decorate and deliver twenty-four cupcakes with the number seven for him to share with his classmates.

I am honored that he calls me, “Mom”    

Happy 7th Birthday Sweet Baby Boy!

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